Cubberley Senior High School
Class Of 1965 |
Welcome to the Senior Class Of 1965
Classmates are encouraged to join us and become members.
There are no fees to be a member!
<<<Please answer the new survey question in the yellow menu to the left so we can get an initial headcount: Will you plan to be at the 60TH Reunion?
60th Reunion Schedule
August 29 - 31, 2025
Friday, August 29
5:00 PM onward: Meet-and-greet cocktails and hors d'ourves, Dinah''s Garden Hotel, Palo Alto. We've been able to secure a block of rooms at Dinah’s ranging in size and price from standard garden rooms to executive suites @ $149.00 - $195.00 per night for Friday and Saturday, 8/29 & 8/30. (Additional charge of about 16% for various taxes.) Below is the link to reserve a room at the group rate.
When you click the link it should open up a website page where you need to click the red button that says SELECT & GO TO THE NEXT STEP. That opens a page with a calendar on it. Click the days you want to stay at Dinah’s. Be aware that the rates for the days before and after Friday 29th and Saturday 30th will be higher than the group rates offered for Fri & Sat. Then click the red button that says CONFIRM DATES OF STAY. Then you will be able to click on your room style/rate of choice based on price from $149 to $195, depending on availability, and complete the reservation.
Saturday, August 30
11:00 AM - 3:00 PM: Class get-together and picnic (BYO food and drink, or we could arrange for catered bag lunches) at the Cubberley High School/Community Center Amphitheatre. Opportunity to visit with classmates, tour the campus, reminisce and relive those vital, formative years.
6:00 - 10:00 PM: Cocktails and dinner, Michael's restaurant at Shoreline, Mountain View. Dinner, facility rental, and incidental expenses may be about $75.00 per person. Other incidental shared costs yet to be determined.
Sunday, August 31
Early departures for those who need it, small group get togethers as may be arranged.
Meanwhile, please help spread the word!
With excitement, Class of '65 60th Reunion Steering Committee
The 60th Reunion committee includes Mike McCarty, Alan Winkelman, Linda Knudsen Ellis, Jean Hanchett Young, Bob Long, Paul Barnes, Janet Shutts Rowe, Donna Monroe Ciloni, and Darrylin Silveira MaCartney.
(photos provided by Skip Knowles)
A Message From the Webmaster:
It has been a pleasure to see that there have been very few problems with our fellow classmates signing up and using our growing web site. If you do have problems, questions or suggestions please let us know so we can fix, help or improve by using the "Contact Us" link on the left menu.
A few things to note:
1. There is never a fee or charge for this web site. If you get an EMail saying to send money, ignore it! If you would like to make a donation to help support the site just contact us.
2. Important: E-Mail from classmates can be marked as spam by your E-Mail software and/or internet provider as it comes to you via the classmates servers. Please set (whitelist) mail from "" as NOT being spam so your mail from us is not blocked.
3. Uploading pictures: There can be a problem if the picture size is too big. Pictures should not be larger than 646 pixels in width. If you upload a larger picture the software should re-size it, however.... it's software.
4. Passwords: If you lose/forget your password just use the "Forgot Password" Link on the home page. If you change your EMail Address please use the "Contact Us" menu link on the home page to let us know the new address and I will reset your Email/Password data for you.
5. Important: We would prefer it if this class site didn't become a platform for political, personal, or religious ranting, though we respect each individual's right to vote, believe, and worship as they choose, we'd like this site to serve as a conduit for reconnection rather than divisiveness.
Please, everyone, take a look at the "missing" classmates page and let us know of any information you may have in locating your fellow classmates. This is after all one of the main reasons for the site.
Enjoy the site and again, any suggestions for improving or adding content please use that "Contact Us" link on the menu.